Friday, September 23, 2011

A male Yeast Infection can be difficult to diagnose

Candidiasis (yeast infection) is an infection caused by fungi or yeast. There are more than 15 species of Candida, the most common is Candida Albicans. These fungi survive in all areas of our body. Under certain conditions, they may become so numerous that they cause infections, particularly in hot and humid regions. Examples of these infections are vaginal yeast, thrush, skin and diaper rash and nailbed infections. Male yeast infections are also common.

Yeast infections can be difficult to diagnose. Symptoms may resemble other diseases in men and women. Here are some symptoms that are usually associated with yeast infections. As you'll see, they could easily be symptoms of other conditions.

-Abdominal pain
-Mental confusion
-Indigestion or bloating
-Red and itchy eyes
-Vision problems
-Hair loss
-White coating on the tongue.
-Craving for carb and sugar confectionery
-Fungus toenail
-Draining sinus

In addition, the following can also be symptoms of infection yeast for women.

-Vaginal itching
-Vaginal Burning or irritation
-Redness on the skin near the vagina
-Burning during urination
-Pain during intercourse

Symptoms of male yeast infections may include one or more of the following measures;

-Pain during urination
-Open wounds

In men the most common symptom is pain during urination.

While the male yeast infections are not as common as females, they occur frequently. It is possible for a human infection genital yeast if he has sex with a partner who has genital yeast infection. However, just because your partner has a yeast infection does not mean that you'll get too. Sexual transmission of the yeast infections is rare.

In females, a vaginal yeast infection is irritation of the vagina and around the vagina, called the vulva. It is caused by hypertrophy of the fungus or yeast Candida. Yeast normally live in the vagina in small number, but when the bacteria in the vagina become out of balance, too much yeast grow and cause an infection.

Vaginal yeast infections are very common. About 75 per cent of women have a lifetime yeast infection. And nearly half of women have two or more yeast infections.

Vulvitis can also cause local pain in addition to the symptoms above. Pain in the vulva area is called vulvodynia.

In 5% of the women, yeast vulvovaginitis can cause a recurring problem. A recurrent yeast infection occurs when a woman has four infections or in a year that are not related to the use of antibiotics. Recurrent yeast infections may be related to underlying disease and may require more aggressive treatment.

How are vaginal infections of yeast and vulvitis diagnosed?

Vaginal yeast infection is suggested when a white cheesy discharge is noted on the walls of the vagina, but the symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection are non-specific and may be the result of other conditions. To firmly establish the diagnosis and exclude any other cause symptoms, your doctor may take a specimen scraped from the affected area for microscopic analysis or culture in the laboratory. The identification of yeast under the microscope, to the extent possible, is the cheapest and fastest way and specific for diagnosis.

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