Sunday, September 18, 2011

Natural Cures for infection-the holistic cures

Yeast infections are a common infection especially among women. The most common of the Candida Albinni peritonitis women vaginal yeast infection also known as nominations. The fungus Candida albicans is responsible for the infection. This fungus is usually located in the vagina. When the body PH level is not balanced, overgrows the yeast in the vagina caused the infection. This infection is caused by different reasons such as diabetes, pregnancy, regular use of oral contraceptives, antibiotics, or steroids and such.

There are several remedies available in the treatment of candidiaces.You can use of antibiotics such as diflucan or fluconzanale or anti-fungi creams.However, reports have shown that most times these antibiotics ineffective the yeast infection cure. As a result, people resort to the use of home remedies for the treatment of yeast infection definitively. Below are some natural remedies that you in the treatment of applications can use.

Garlic botanically known as Allium sativum

Garlic is a plant with strong natural antibiotic qualities that effectively control microbes including the yeast Candida Albinnis responsible for vaginal yeast infection. It inhibits the growth of Candida Albinis fungi. By eating a few cloves of everyday or break and soaking peeled cloves in water and drink when regulated, you can limit the growth of the infection. You can spread honey to make it easy to chew on.; Insert the garlic in the affected vagina is another way to make use of garlic in the cure of yeast infections.


Yogurt contains the bacterium Lactobacillus acidophilus, also known as lactic acid bacterium, is effective in the control of Candida Albinni if consumed orally or by inserting a tampon yogurt-immersed in the vagina. This can be obtained at supermarkets as over-the-counter capsule or powder form. Watch out for capsules which contain lactobacillus acidophilus. The plugin can be dipped in yogurt at night be left in the vagina. The yogurt coated tampon can the active cultures of Lactobacillus. Acidophilus to protect you against the harmful yeasts. To do this constantly until the yeast disappears and after a few more days.

Tea Tree oil

This oil has almost the same effect as yoghurt and like the yogurt can be used by soaking in a tampon and insert into the vagina.

Apple Cider vinegar

By a tablespoonful of apple cider vinegar to add in two glasses of water and adding maybe clove of garlic in it. Let it soak for some time and the solution in your vagina shower.

Attention ...

There is a sure fire way that is guaranteed to rid of the infection in record time. If you have are desperate looking around for a cure to yeast infection.

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