Sunday, September 11, 2011

Re-Occurring yeast infections-causes and cures to Candida

If you consistently get by re-occurring yeast infections bogged down than I have a natural solution for you, as well as the full explanation about why you to re-occurring yeast infections suffer. Follow along and fully understand the reasons why you are at risk for fungal infections re-occurring and how you can stop.

Anti-Biotics: This is a common cause of repeat yeast infections, most people are not aware of the dangers of the use of this routine. Anti-Biotics wipe out both the beneficial bacteria and the bacteria causing the infection. But the beneficial bacteria is always much more vulnerable and consequently is 100% guaranteed to be almost wiped out when you anti-biotics. The solution would thus increase the amount of probiotics that you consume. Also Avoid the use of anti-biotics until necessary. For example, the last time that I need an anti-biotic was, because I developed pneumonia, only after I tried almost every other available option I gave for the use of drugs. Fortunately, I have learned more since then and now I'm virtually immune to something like pneumonia.

Birth Control Pills: This also make surprisingly Candida by changing the hormonal balance in the body that favors the development of yeast infections. They have also shown that inhibits the growth of beneficial bacteria and stimulate the growth of bad bacteria in the body.

Acne medications: This just as anti-biotics directly wipes out the beneficial bacteria that you otherwise against Candida, yeast responsible for more than 90% of yeast infections would protect. These medications are incredibly hard and throw your natural flora completely.

Drug Monistat and other Anti-Yeast: What? I know that you wouldn't expect to see this here, but let me explain. Medicines used for the treatment of yeast infections have a fatal error, they do not re-running the bodies natural way of dealing with an infection. The problem with this is that an infection is not completely eliminated as a result, and your body has not learned to deal with the infection, so the next time it is still at a loss for what to do. On top of this and most importantly, make these drugs resilient strains of yeast much in the way that anti-biotic resistant bacteria is also created.

Poor nutrition: Not to say that you should eat a perfect Candida restrictive diet your whole life, but those who fail in the eliminate Candida is often not effectively remove sugar during cleaning and this just strengthen the infection. Sugar and foods that are high on the GI must be as success had to be removed.

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