Sunday, October 30, 2011

Chronic yeast infection revealed

Candida species are inducing disease microbes that apparently occur in 85% of the population. They can lead to unpleasant health of chronic yeast infection (chronic candidiasis). By their opportunistic nature, they do lead to a chronic infection of yeast in some cases.

Naturally Candida exist in excess of 100 species, but only a quarter of them are recognized as causing a human infection of yeast. The most common strain is Candida albicans and Candida glabrata, Candida krusei, Candida tropicalis and Candida parapsilosis. The rate of infection of yeast: Candida albicans - about four of the five. the yeast Candida glabrata, Candida tropicalis and other types of fungi - one in five.

Yeast microbes live in moist and warm areas such as the mouth, vagina, the entrails and the rectum. They are usually found in a good percentage of people in good health. Held in the Bay of probiotics, favorable microorganisms, yeast microbes have little negative effect on a person in good health. Nevertheless, they multiply rapidly when the infection takes hold.

Candidiasis can be revitalized by specific conditions out of the ordinary. These conditions are generally determined by the subtype of the yeast infection. For example: antibiotics, pregnancy, birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy may increase vaginal candidiasis, while inadequate sanitation can bring infection of yeast in males. The process may therefore be the result of an abnormal concentration of yeast microbes, especially in the areas wet and warm the surface of the body. However underline or excess weight can also increase the risk of yeast infection. In addition, low immune systems can be a cause in General to continue the yeast because a subtype infections.

The data below are yeast infections:

1. Three of the four women are often observed, vaginal candidiasis at least once in their lives. As two of the five women have long term or recurrent yeast infections.

2. According to some research, it is 21-30 age group, which is no longer at risk of chronic yeast infection, then 20-11 age group.

3 Any physical or emotional, stress can weaken your immune system and stimulate the danger for you from colds and herpes. This can foster the culture of yeast too.

4. Because the microbe of yeast is the most active in conditions of heat and humidity, heat promotes the emergence of chronic yeast infection.

5 Candidiasis can also be caused by food specific such as food for yeast, refined carbohydrates, candy, produced dairy (difficult to digest lactose for chemicals to hormone growth as well as promoting mucus) and wine (responsible for glucose).

6 The research done in the last ten years of the twentieth century New York Long Island Jewish Medical Center, found that women who consumed a cup of yogurt on a daily basis for one year and a half could reduce the occurrence of infections chronic yeast by a factor of three. The theory however had not sufficient data that only 13 women completed the study. Other research indicates that eat live strains of lactobacillus acidophilus supplements or a yogurt can help stop the yeast infections.

The subtypes of candidiasis that occur more than are the following:

1 Infections vaginal candida: forming within the vulva or vagina. This is the kind of chronic infection most often met.

2 Lily: most often observed in people with immune systems very weak, including babies and developing in the mouth.

3. The baby Thrush (diaper): responsible for the rash around the area of layers.

4 Male yeast infection: affects the Glans of the penis, causing a rash.

5 Paronychia (infection of the underlying tissues of the nail): this type of yeast infection usually appears next to the nail.

Note that each subtype of candidiasis is of a different nature. Other candida infections can reach virtually anywhere in the body, frequently in the folds of the skin: under the arm or breast, between the toes and so on.

In some cases, yeast infections can attack other parts of the body. This may be indicative of serious internal imbalance of the body. However generally, candidiasis is without term consequence, easily and does not lead to health conditions serious. In many cases, yeast infections will disappear after time without the need of drugs.

The manifestation of the symptoms of candidiasis needs professional advice of a qualified physician. Chronic infections yeast may be just a symptom of more serious problems, such as sexually transmitted diseases with similar symptoms, leukemia, diabetes and AIDS, to give a few examples.

Excessive proliferation of Candida is the root of almost all the yeast infections, failure to resolve the internal problem that is responsible for the symptoms of discharge, a rash or other liƩs related to Candida, does not prevent these symptoms recurrent fro after a while. Although chronic infections yeast can be treated using the counter drug or a prescription at home, remember that almost all of these infections are a warning signal of a severe internal problem which must be treated correctly. In addition, failure to deal with the internal problems causing the yeast related symptoms may also lead to serious health complications.

Linda Allen is a medical researcher, nutritionist, health and author of the # 1 best-selling e-book, "Yeast Infection no more - open the door to a Yeast Infection free life" certified. Linda has written dozens of holistic health articles and was featured in online and print magazines, magazines as well as on hundreds of websites around the world.

To learn more about Linda Allen´s 5-step single Infection Cure holistic yeast system visit: chronic Yeast Infection
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