Monday, October 17, 2011

Reviews of products for the treatment of Yeast Infection

There are many products on the market, designed to treat yeast infections. Some of the products for yeast infections require a prescription and some are available at the counter. Herbal products are also used to treat yeast infections. The type of product you choose depends on the severity of your infection to your personal preferences.

If you have chronic yeast infections or if your infection is serious, you should talk to your doctor before using counter for yeast infection products. Severe or recurrent yeast infections may be a sign of more serious underlying disease such as diabetes or HIV.

Many products that are available to treat yeast infections are appropriate for men and women. MONISTAT and Lamisil are examples on meter products to treat the yeast infection. Many women and men also use Vagisil to help relieve the symptoms (such as the burning and itching) that are associated with a yeast infection.

Some men and women with yeast infections prefer herbal products to treat yeast infections. Some people include tea tree oil, elm and gentian violet.
Gentian violet.

Capsules of boric acid used as suppositories are a method of effective treatment for the female yeast infections. Boric acid acidifies the vagina, which restores the natural balance of bacteria and yeast.

Some holistic health practitioners recommend products that may be used at home to treat yeast infections one reason many women prefer the yeast infection home remedies is that they do not have the unpleasant side effects that may be associated with other types of treatment and that they require no appointment of a physician. Many products of the House of relief may also be used daily to help prevent yeast infections. Here are some of the most popular home remedies:

o regularly daub apple cider vinegar in areas prone to infections. If you use this home remedy, you should add some garlic to help relieve the itching feeling and water to dilute the concentration of vinegar.

o curd (such as yogurt) is another remedy popular home for yeast infections. Some people suggest soaking in curd buffer and placing in the area for at least an hour. The theory is that the healthy bacteria from the curds will replace unhealthy yeast bacteria. This can be done twice a day.

o drink at least two glasses of buttermilk a day, whether infected or not. Making the curd a part of your daily diet, you can reduce your risk of infections yeast. (This yeast infection home remedy is a healthy choice for most of the women).

o saturate a buffer with tea tree oil and leave inserted during the night.

o put 10-15 drops of extract of Pépin of grapefruit in your juice in the morning every day for a month. Some also recommend a daily dose of leaves of olive extract with grapefruit seed extract.

If you use on the counter or herbal products to treat your yeast infection you should tell your doctor because some repairs may have adverse reactions when used in conjunction with prescription drugs. Most prefer natural products for yeast infections.


Tea tree oil: an oil that would have the healing of the qualities which is available in most health food stores.
Grapefruit seed extract: health natural supplement that helps to stimulate the immune system.

Learn more about pregnancy and yeast infection on our site. You can also find other information, such as untreated yeast infection and of yeast infection and HIV is a comprehensive resource to help people infected with yeast to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.

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