Friday, October 14, 2011

Home Remedies for yeast infections-nature's Cures

There are many reasons to find home remedies for yeast infections. Maybe you are against the use of over-the-counter medicines, or walk to the doctor for every little problem. Maybe you just want to keep the locally as discreet as possible to deal with. Whatever your reason, it's nice to know you have some options available to you apart from the usual rules.

It is important to keep in mind that there is no one blanket cure for each person who tries it will be successful. Fortunately, there are many different ways for the treatment of an infection, so depending on the individual there will probably be one that suits you. It might take some trial and error, but once you've found the method that works for you, again should work for any future flare-ups.

Yogurt -the lactobacillus acidophilus in yoghurt is effective immediately getting started with the neutralisation of the yeast infection-causing bacteria present in your body. This method has been used for many generations, and has a high success rate. You don't want to use the sweetened yogurt, sugar added in a rainbow of flavors these days. Choose the old-style, unsweetened yoghurt. For 3-4 days if necessary, the yogurt directly apply to the vagina before going to sleep.

Garlic -can you a garlic supplement on a daily basis to help keep your body cleansed, but you can also use it as a home remedy yeast infection. To do, won't you want to place the garlic directly into your vagina. That would only add to the intense burning sensation that you are likely to be affected. Instead, create a kind of garlic cloves tampon with it by wrapping a single clove in cheesecloth and inserting it into your vagina. Use a piece of string for easy removal.

Echinacea -Echinacea can be taken as a tincture to 3 times per day. It is one of the home remedies for yeast infections that has good results with many women. What it does build up the body's ability to ward off the candida outbreak.

Tea tea-there are certain that you will help your yeast infection. You can use them like a shower or them as you would regular tea drinking. Focus on these herbs to get the best results: Chamomile, myrrh, goldenseal, calendula and thyme. If you use it as a shower, you should only do it once daily until your symptoms disappear. Pregnant women should not use this method.

Which method you work, be sure to keep a journal and document the treatment that you are using, and the effects that you have noticed. This will help you better cope with any future symptoms. If you do not keep a journal, you have difficulty remembering which of the home remedies for yeast infections worked, and what progress you can expect to see.

For more information about how to cure this debilitating disease, of course, visit us at home remedies for yeast infections.

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