Friday, October 14, 2011

Yeast infection an epidemic?

Yeast, scientifically known as Candida is a variety of fungus. It is commonly found on human skin and in wet areas of the body, such as the mouth and vagina. A study shows that 20% of women normally carry yeast in their vaginal areas. It grows on the shape of the body of sugar such as glucose. What increases your blood glucose, or alters the hormonal balance that keeps the blood sugar promotes growth in the body. Diabetes, pregnant or immunocompromised States as treatments for cancer and HIV infection are vulnerable conditions for yeast growth. Apart from that, the use of contraceptives oral, steroids or antibiotics also contribute to its growth in the organization.

Hypertrophy of yeast translates into rash, mouth infections (thrush), disturbances digestive, esophagus and vaginal infections (vaginitis).Since the yeast infections occur most frequently in moist areas of the body, mouth and vaginal areas are more likely to be affected by it.

Yeast infection an epidemic

Yeast infection may qualify for "Yeast Infection an epidemic." So strong is his presence in the diseases of women! Research shows that approximately 80 per cent of the yeast infections are caused by a particular species of Candida, called Candida albicans. The remaining 20 per cent of the yeast infections are caused by other types of Candida.

Yeast infection is very common among women, making it an epidemic in their lives. It is reported that in 75% of women are affected by it in their lives.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) States that approximately 80% women will experience a vaginal infection of yeast at least once in their lives. In fact, it is estimated that 50% of the College of United States women were diagnosed with the infection at least a yeast by the age of 25. Fortunately, yeast infections are fairly easy to treat. But the only way to define yeast infection is an epidemic for women

Yeast Infection - an overview

Causes of yeast infections

Yeast infection is common and occurs due to irregularities in the body balances. Some possible causes of this infection include: antibiotic use
Oral contraceptives Wear tight or synthetic as nylon, spandex or Lycra, which increase the humidity and heat, promoting the growth of fungi Carbohydrate intake high, particularly refined sugars and alcohol Pregnancy Diabetes Deodorants tampons or scented showers HIV infection
Other possible causes of this infection can be irritants such as body scented soaps, powders, deodorants and products.

Symptoms of Yeast Infection

A study shows that yeast infection is very common among women. Most women face irritation and itching due to many external factors. Some symptoms of this infection may be:

Vaginal irritation Itching and burning in the vagina and surrounding skin (vulva) Thick white vaginal Irresistible pain during sexual intercourse The vulva swelling and irritation in the vaginal area Redness, swelling and (or) cracking of the vulvar skin Sensation during urination of blight
Prevention tips

Yeast infection is important and can be prevented by simple means of hygiene and care. It is important for everyone, namely "what is a yeast infection" and that are easy to prevent. You can prevent vaginal yeast infection by following these tips.
Avoid wearing tight clothes adjusted or fabric of synthetic fibre Wear clothes of cotton, as much as possible, especially as clothing Avoid wearing light-pipes or daily adds protections Wipe carefully and dry your genital areas after a shower. You can use dryers blow to this end. Carefully wipe after using the toilet helps to prevent bacteria from entering your vaginal region Avoid spraying of feminine hygiene, deodorants napkins, colored or perfumed toilet paper because they tend to affect the balance of vaginal acidity and can lead to yeast infections. If you go to bathe, get out of your bathing suit as soon as possible. Don't use deodorant tampons.


As noted, the normal course of treatment of yeast infections is inserting medicines in the affected areas. These drugs are normally applied to the vaginal areas with the help of the creams applicators, or they may be suppositories may be left in the vagina to dissolve on their own.

Other forms available yeast infection medication can be cream, which can be applied on the vulva to help relieve the itching, or pills that can be taken through the mouth

The treatment of these infections is generally from tropical or antifungal medications. Another way to treat the yeast infection is the use of Acidophilus, which is a useful bacteria and restricted the growth of yeast in the body. Live home as cultured yogurt remedies are also used as methods of treatment.

Although it is rare, but there is a possibility of transmission of infection of yeast to your partner through sexual relations. In such circumstances, if the symptoms of yeast infection are observed, it is suggested that the partner is too undergoing treatment.
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